...and so it began

...and so it began

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Calcium is good for your teeth

I can see the wall, even claim this inanimate OBJECT as my own

Hear the creeks, as though the arthritis has milked it's way into my bones

My nature to observe... Analyze...hypothesize

What we shall no longer comprehend is made a truth proclaimed

If I do not hear what I see then I can see what I hear

I do not push through truths' awkward barrier

To challenge truth is to be not human in flesh of mind

The beauty of the nature cannot rest upon the nature of the beauty

Eye...mind...soul... is Almighty...in the creation of...My Physical Rhelm

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Beauty in the eye of the beholder

If you only live once; live with your eyes.